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Digital deviation management in Malmö Stad using flexite

With the help of flexite, Malmö Stad has digitalized their process for deviation management within work environment and safety.

Malmö Stad, with its 25.500 employees, is a major employer in the region. And with many employees, more deviations can occur in terms of work environment and safety – no matter how responsible the employer is. It can be anything from bicycle accidents to a broken gate or that someone has fallen on a slippery entrance on their way to work.

According to legal requirements, all deviating incidents must be reported and in addition registered in different ways depending on the type of deviation. In order to streamline and ensure the quality of their deviation management, Malmö Stad has created digital applications in flexite. The system has appropriately been named them Agera.

From decision to an up and running system

The decision to invest in a system for deviation management began, as it should, with a decision by the municipal government and an assignment to produce documentation for a public procurement. Malmö’s requirement to find a system that could be used for deviation management within both work environment and safety immediately restricted the selection of suppliers and systems.

– It was a fairly long process from the municipal board’s decision until we could start installing the system we finally chose, flexite, says Hanna Ågren, project manager in Malmö Stad and responsible for the introduction of flexite, and further notes:

– But it became great in the end and we are satisfied. The biggest challenge for us was to formulate the procurement in order to get all our needed requirements as we wanted a common system for safety and work environment, both of which processes can be quite complex.

The choice of system became flexite which offered the best solution based on the combination of fulfilment of requirements and price.

Hanna Ågren, HR-specialist and Project Managemer for the flexite implementation in Malmö Stad

Integrations to authorities assures the quality of the process

The administration of work injuries is usually not simple because it must be reported both internally in the organization and to the Swedish Work Environment Authority, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Swedish Tax Agency.

With digital processes and integrations in flexite it however becomes easier. Thanks to integrations to government systems, Malmö Stad can deliver reports direct to authorities and thereby simplify the administration and assure the quality of the process. One example is the integration between flexite and the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency´s

With flexite, we can manage both internal and external administration in the same system and at the same time fulfil legal and delivery requirements for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Hanna Ågren, HR-specialist and Project Managemer for the flexite implementation in Malmö Stad

Tips and advice for others

– My tip to others who are facing a similar procurement is to not get stuck in making a too detailed requirement specification. So in retrospect, I can feel that we were, for example, a little too detailed when we were specifying how we wanted the processes to handle our deviations. Since we did all this before we knew which system or supplier we would choose, this meant that we unknowingly locked ourselves to certain choices, Hanna summarizes and continues:

– Looking back we could have left the specification a little more open and then had a discussion with Flexite, who has many good ideas and experience from similar projects.

– Today we are satisfied, but our lesson is that we could have saved ourselves some of the time we spent in our major preparatory work. Instead we could have been able to put that time on a tighter discussion with Flexite in how to find the best possible solution based on their system flexite.

– Another tip is also to find out which integrations the systems in the procurement already have ready to use and how they work in practice.

About Malmö Stad

Malmö Stad is a large employer with 25.500 employees and about 400 different professions that daily meets and provide service to residents of Malmö, companies, associations and visitors. Malmö is Sweden’s third largest city, a global, growing and young city. The population has increased steadily over the past 30 years and today about 330,000 people live in the municipality. Half of the residents of Malmö are under 35 and Malmö residents have their roots in over 170 countries. Malmö strives to become a sustainable city, both economically, socially and ecologically.