How you buy flexite

Order directly from us, our selling partners or via cooperation agreement

Order directly from us

Do you want to buy or rent flexite licenses directly from us? Contact us for price information, procedures and more information.

Order via cooperation agreement

Do you have a cooperation agreement with one of our licensed resellers and want to order through them? Contact us and we will tell you more about how to do that.

HIQ International AB

Flexite is a partner and approved subcontractor to HIQ, which is a supplier of Kammarkollegiet’s cooperation agreement “Informationsförsörjning 2014”.

ATEA Sverige AB

Atea Sverige is a reseller of flexite and was also named the flexite partner of the year in 2013.

Chas Visual Management AB

Flexite is a partner and approved subcontractor to Chas, which is a supplier of Kammarkollegiet’s cooperation agreement “Informationsförsörjning 2014”.

Cybercom Sweden AB

Cybercom Sweden AB is a supplier of Kammarkollegiets cooperation agreement “Programvaror och tjänster 2014”, “Grundläggande IT” and ”Kontorsstöd”. Flexite is an approved subcontractor and partner to Cybercom.

Crayon AB

Flexite is a partner and approved subcontractor to Crayon AB, which is a supplier of Kammarkollegiet’s cooperation agreement “Grundläggande IT” and ”Kontorsstöd”.


Dustin offers IT products with associated services and solutions to companies and the public sector. Dustin is a reseller of flexite.

Order through our selling partners

Mitel AB

Flexite is a member of Mitel Solutions Alliance (MSA) and an approved MSA Developer Partner. Together with Mitel we offer a complete multimedia solution with an integration between MiContactCenter and flexite.

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